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Autonomic Response Testing

What is Autonomic Response Testing?

Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a diagnostic technique used  to identify imbalances in the body’s autonomic nervous system (ANS). The  ANS regulates involuntary functions such as

  • heart rate
  • digestion
  • breathing
  • bladder and bowel emptying

ART practitioners use a specific form of muscle testing to evaluate the ANS and identify areas of imbalance or dysfunction.

History of Autonomic Response Testing

The history of ART can be traced back to the 1940s, when chiropractor George Goodheart began using muscle testing to evaluate the body’s meridian system. Goodheart’s work eventually led to the development of Applied Kinesiology, a diagnostic and treatment technique that uses muscle testing to evaluate various systems of the body.
In the 1990s, chiropractor Dietrich Klinghardt began developing a modified form of Applied Kinesiology that focused specifically on the autonomic nervous system. Klinghardt’s approach, known as Autonomic Response Testing, was developed in conjunction with Louisa Williams, DC, ND. It involved using muscle testing to evaluate the body’s response to various stimuli, including foods, environmental toxins, and emotional stressors.

What are the benefits?

One of the benefits of ART is its non-invasive nature. Unlike other diagnostic tests, such as blood tests or imaging studies, ART does not involve any radiation or other potentially harmful side effects. You do not even need to remove your clothing.

Additionally, ART can be performed quickly and easily, making it a convenient option for many patients.

How does it work?

                            ART testing equipment

Simply explained, the ART technique utilizes a very primitive reflex to assess the ANS.

During an ART session, the practitioner will place a small device known as a signal enhancer just behind the patient’s head. He will then ask the patient to hold out her arm while he applies pressure to it. The practitioner will then introduce a specific substance or stressor, and apply pressure to the arm again. If the arm is weaker, this is an indication of an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.

How we use ART

ART can be used to identify a wide range of health conditions, including allergies, chronic infections, hormonal imbalances, and digestive disorders. It can also be used to identify environmental toxins and other stressors that may be contributing to a patient’s symptoms.

Every patient at our centre is first evaluated using autonomic response testing. This helps us to accurately discover problem areas in the body, as well as to identify appropriate treatments/remedies.

We are all unique, and the problems discovered during your ART session vary from patient to patient. In fact, we routinely repeat ART after each treatment to assess the response of the body.

This means:

  1. As the body heals, your ART findings will change, and you should need less and less treatment at each visit
  2. NO TWO PATIENTS will have the exact same treatment plan


Book an Appointment

Are you interested in being evaluated by our Teshuva Wellness®team? Book an appointment here.


Medical Literature

  1. Frandsen, A., Mclure, M. Autonomic Response Testing Compared With Immunoglobulin E Allergy Panel Test Results: Preliminary Report


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